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image August 08, 2023

Some Legal and Practical Considerations when sharing space

Sharing space with another business can be a great way for small businesses to cut costs and make the most of their resources. However, there are a number of legal and practical considerations to keep in mind when entering into this type of arrangement. By creating a clear lease agreement, establishing shared facilities, complying with zoning laws, and having a dispute resolution process in place, small businesses can make the most of shared space arrangements.

Legal Agreement: 

First and foremost, a lease agreement should be created that clearly outlines the terms and responsibilities of each party. This should include details such as the length of the lease, the rent and any additional fees, and who is responsible for maintenance and repairs. It's also important to include language regarding shared spaces, such as common areas, parking, and equipment.


It's also a good idea to consider insurance, both liability and property insurance. Each party should carry their own insurance and the lease agreement should include language that acknowledges this. It's also important to check with the landlord to see if they require any specific insurance coverage.

Zoning and Permits: 

Before sharing space, it is important to check with local authorities to ensure that the space can be used for the intended purpose and that all necessary permits and licenses have been obtained.

Health and Safety:

It is important to ensure that the shared space complies with all health and safety regulations and that there are procedures in place for dealing with any potential hazards.

Dispute Resolution:

It's also important to have a dispute resolution process in place. The lease agreement should include language outlining how disputes will be handled, such as mediation or arbitration. This will help ensure that any disagreements are resolved quickly and fairly.

Access and Use of the Space: 

The agreement should clearly state the hours during which each business has access to the shared space and the specific areas of the space that each business is allowed to use.  Another important consideration is setting up shared facilities, such as restrooms, kitchen areas, and conference rooms. It's important to establish clear guidelines for their use and maintenance, such as cleaning schedules and rules for after-hours access. It's also important to establish a system for reserving these shared spaces and to include in the lease agreement.

Confidentiality and Data Protection:

If both businesses will be working with sensitive information, it is important to have strict rules in place to protect the confidentiality and security of this data.  Mutual non-disclosure agreements can be a common way to protect certain aspects of each business.

Exit Strategy: 

It is important to have an exit strategy in place in case one of the businesses needs to end the arrangement. This should include details such as notice periods and how any outstanding issues will be resolved.

By considering these legal and practical considerations, small businesses can ensure that their shared space arrangement is a success and that both parties are protected. It is recommended to consult with a lawyer to review and draft a legal agreement that will be tailored to your specific needs and to ensure that you are aware of all the necessary regulations and laws.

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